GCW Members


The GCA Judging Program consists of candidates, prospective judges, approved judges and emeritus judges in four disciplines – floral design, horticulture, photography and botanical arts. Being a GCA Judge is the only lifetime appointment in the GCA. A subcommittee, made up of those Members in the GCA Judging Program, manages the passing and clerking responsibilities for all club flower shows. NGC offers courses to train those wishing to become accredited judges. All accredited NGC Judges are trained in both Floral Design and Horticulture.  

If you are interested in becoming a judge, please talk with the club judges, the President or the Zone V Judging Representative. NGC offers courses to train those wishing to become accredited judges. All accredited NGC Judges are trained in both Floral Design and Horticulture.  


GCA Approved Judges

Lynn Carbonell - Horticulture

Sally DeWees – Photography

Wendy Russell – Floral Design 

GCA Prospective Judges

Wendy Russell – Horticulture

GCA Candidate Judges


GCA Emeritus Judges

Pinkie Roe

Dolly Fisher 

Kathy Kristol

Beverley Rowland

Liz Sharp

NCG Judges

Pinkie Roe, Master Judge, Retired 

Beverley Rowland, Accredited Judge, Resigned