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January Club Meeting - Saving Coniston Woods, Dick Lighty via Zoom

Monday, January 4       11:00 a.m.

Saving the Coniston Woodland: an episode in the war with Invasives

Presenter: Dick Lighty, GCW Advisory Comm. Member

Hostesses: Conservation Committee

Please take a moment to download the handouts in advance of Dick’s talk; CLICK HERE for all of the materials.

You may sign-on beginning at 10:50 am.    

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If you haven’t already done so, please make sure you’ve got the latest version of Zoom on your computer. Zoom 5.0 or higher will be required to join meetings after May 30  For more info on Zoom 5.0 updates click here  

Earlier Event: January 4
Monthly Executive Committee Meeting
Later Event: January 21
GCA Photography Conference